Return policy

Follow the instructions below to change the product:

Return Policy

The complaint should be e-mailed to or registered by calling +8801811968667 within a maximum of 24 hours after receiving the product.

If applicable, send us a picture of the product.

In case of complaints, our representative will contact the customer by phone within 24 hours.

The product along with the purchase receipt (photocopy is not acceptable) must be sent back to the office of '' at the buyer's own expense within a maximum of 3 working days.

Subject to verifying the truth of the complaint, the product will be changed and delivered to the buyer within 3 (three) working days. In this case, the buyer does not have to bear any cost.

If the product is returned without reasonable cause, the product will be reshipped to the buyer. In this case, the buyer will have to bear the cost of resending.
